Baked Potato Slices


Recipe is the exact same, just a different potato

Recipe per Potato:

Potato – 12oz

Olive Oil – 1 tsp

Salt – 1/4 tsp

Pepper – 1/4 tsp

Roasted Garlic & Herb Seasoning – 1/2 tsp

*Makes 2 servings each

1. Slice Potatoes, be careful not to cut all the way through

2. Mix Spices – Salt, Pepper, Garlic & Herb seasoning

3. Drizzle Olive Oil over Potatoes and top with Spices.

4. Bake @ 425 for about 30-50 min (until desired texture/consistency)


Calories – 173/150, Protein – 3/4g, Carbs – 36/31g, Fat – 2/2g